Registration for the 2023 International GM1 Community Conference is Now Closed
Thank you to everyone who has registered. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
For hotel information on travel and childcare options, and FAQs, visit our 2023 Conference Details page.
Travel Scholarships
Travel scholarships has been distributed for the year.
*Please note that the agenda is subject to change.
Sponsorships Available – Make a Difference
Sponsorship helps us cover overhead costs and keep the conference free for families. If you would like to become a sponsor of the 2023 conference, contact us today and help support patient advocacy, awareness, and community.
Thank you!
2023 Conference Merchandise
Give to Cure GM1
This conference is a valuable resource for GM1 families and our community. The in-person aspect adds additional cost. Please consider donating to Cure GM1 to ensure our community will continue to have access to resources like this.