Contribute to Research and to the GM1 Gangliosidosis Biobank

Cure GM1 is excited to announce a collaboration with COMBINEDBrain to create a GM1 biorepository which will help advance research and therapy development. 

COMBINEDBrain, a nonprofit with a biorepository consortium, represents and partners with 65 rare-disease advocacy groups in order to speed the path to clinical treatments for people with rare genetic neurodevelopmental disorders, by pooling efforts, studies, and data. Cure GM1 chose COMBINEDBrain as a partner for their state of art biorepository, dedicated team, and ability to quickly and efficiently fill a research gap that will benefit the entire GM1 research community.

What this collaboration will do 

The new GM1 Biobank will collect and store patient samples, including blood, tissue, urine, and more which industry and researchers will be able to pull from. These samples will aid in the discovery of new biomarkers, which can be used for diagnosis and research purposes, as well as aid in the identification of targets of treatment to improve success of clinical studies. Sample procurement and storage are now funded.

How patients can participate

All GM1 patients are welcome to contribute to the biorepository. Families may participate from the comfort of their homes to provide blood and urine samples. Please mail if you can participate.

In addition, COMBINEDBrain travels to many events throughout the country and families may meet up with their team by following announcements of their schedule and going to the site for collection of samples.

How researchers can use samples

All biotech companies and researchers are welcome to request access to samples. To do so or to inquire about partnerships please contact

Many thanks to COMBINEDBrain for their support and partnership.