From Hannah’s Mother:

We miss our little angel! We are writing our little girl’s story with great grief be

cause she was so very dear to us.  Our little girl Hannah was called to the angels.

2015 was a very wonderful year for us, because we found out we were expecting a baby. Every day was full of happiness.  We prayed and sang for her.  We went to check-ups on a regular basis, not knowing she would be with us for only 2 years and 1 month. For me the Advent was always wonderful.  In 2015, on Christmas day, I was not feeling well.  I called my doctor for a consultation. He advised me to go to his clinic.  There, we found out there was little amniotic fluid, and I would I have to stay in the hospital.  Later, in the evening, the contractions started to come. The doctor in charge was looking after me, and after midnight, he told me that there was a risk to our baby.  She needed to be taken out.  He said that our little Hanna might be drowning.

My doctor came in, and as such, she was born prematurely (32-weeks) on December 25 with by c-section.  At first, she developed fine.  We hope that she would catch up since she was premature. Everything went fine until she was 10-12 months old, when we realized that she was not holding herself up, not turning around, not sitting up, as she had before. We went many places until we decided we will go to Budapest for testing.  The checks and consultations started.

The tests revealed that a storage disease was behind all the symptoms.  We were told that kids with storage diseases very rarely reach the age of 2 years old. We waited for results every day.  We hoped and prayed that the doctors were wrong.   We asked for a miracle.  We wanted to fight the impossible.  We hoped that God wouldn’t take our lovely innocent child. Unfortunately, all the results confirmed what the doctors said initially.  We were told that they could not help us and that we had to accept this difficult situation.

Meanwhile, on February 5,  2018, our baby Hanna was interned in the local hospital with low oxygen saturation.  We found out that she had pneumonia and that she would need to be put on oxygen. Her breathing was slowing every day. We hoped until the last minute that this was all just  bad dream.  We prayed and said “Hail Mary” so many times.  Everyone in the hospital was saying it with us. Unfortunately, on February 8th, the unthinkable happened.  She stopped breathing and her little heart stopped as well. My world collapsed. I was still holding her little hand, hoping she would come back to us, but then her body started to cool down.  I had to be strong and I prepared her for her last journey. I held her hand and felt her velvety skin cooling.  Then, we put her in her tiny little white coffin with her favorite blanket. We asked the question many times “Why us?” “Why our daughter?”

It has been 11 months since she joined the angels. We hope Hanna will send another brother or sister to us. We are still waiting.  Our doctor told us that we should use genetic testing. We would like another baby, so that is why these tests are important to us.  But these tests cost a lot of money. Unfortunately, we don’t have the necessary funds since Hanna’s sickness and the funeral cost so much. We are grateful our community.  God save everyone from what we have gone through.