Songs for GM1 children!

We are pleased to announce a special nonprofit partnership with the Sing Me a Story Foundation. Sing Me a Story is now offering to create songs for children suffering from GM1 Gangliosidosis in collaboration with Cure GM1. Proceeds from sales of songs will be shared by Sing Me a Story and Cure GM1.

The Sing Me a Story Foundation combines the imaginations of children with the talents of songwriters to create stories and songs that bring joy to all those involved. Children in need are given the opportunity to write and illustrate stories about ANYTHING they want. Those stories are then distributed to songwriters who turn them into songs and record them free of charge for the children and their families. Cure GM1 is partnering with Sing Me a Story to bring the voices of GM1 patients to the world through music and help raise funds for Cure GM1 and The Sing Me a Story Foundation. Parents and families can participate too! See how it works in this piece on The Today Show. For more information, click here.

To request a song in honor of your child, please contact us for more details. Please note that the number of songs available may be limited depending on the overall response and number of requests.